DreamBIX Animation Sign-Up form
Welcome everybody to the official sign-up form of the BIX!

This year the BIX will take place on March 15-17 as always in the sports Centre of the University of Twente. The theme of this year's BIX will be DreamBIX animations so make sure to get dressed up in your best costume throughout the tournament!

All general information can be found below:
The cost of entry will be 32 euros per participant, which need to be paid before the 8th of March
In these costs are included the following things: Two parties (Friday and Saturday night); the volleyballing and other activities; Two lunches (Saturday and Sunday) and one dinner on Saturday.

Sleeping needs to be arranged by the participants themselves, if you do not have a sleeping place, you could try and contact nearby friends or rent a place from the university through this link: https://www.utwente.nl/en/campus/reservations/hotels-overnight-stays/.

Every team needs to have at least 1 woman and 1 man in the field during a match.
Every team needs to consist of at least 6 players with a maximum of 12 players.

The money needs to be transferred before the 8th of March to V.V. Harambee, NL35 ABNA 0598 5620 01. 
Only if the money has been transferred, the team is enrolled.
The name of the team and the last 3 numbers of the telephone number needs to be mentioned in this transfer, alongside any indication that you are paying for the BIX. So (for example) you could do "BIX enrollment, team pandas, 337".

For all announcements before and during the BIX there is a whatsapp group, please have you're contact person join this group:

For any questions to change your enrollment, feel free to contact us via whatsapp (you can find our numbers in the announcement group) or send an email to bix@harambee.nl

Make sure to submit your payment in time, as there is a maximum amount of teams that can participate.
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Email *
Team Name *
First and last name of your teams contact person *
Phone number of contact person *
Number of participants *
Information provided in this form is used with great care of privacy. Information is only used for tournament purposes and will not be shared with third parties.

By submitting this form the respondent is aware and agrees with the policy of the sports centre of University of Twente.
I have read and accept the Disclaimer *
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