Bot Request
Hi! This form is to requests any bots you'd like for me to make! I'm up for any kind of character as long as it doesn't include incest, pedophilia, blah blah blah, you know the rest. I also don't like doing bots that are real people, such as singers or actors, not something I dabble in! I'm totally fine with anything that has NSFW scenarios, so don't be afraid to request those! 

I have school, a job, and what not, so I might not be able to get to your request asap, but I'll try! 
The bot might not be 100% what you asked for, but I'll try my best. 
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Story (just an idea of what ya want it to be about) *
General Direction
(it can help when writing the first message!)
Clear selection
Gender of character *
Gender POV *
If ya want, you can leave your username so I can mention who requested it!
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