Stonewall Bridge  Survey
Thank you so much for filling out this survey.  This is for people ages 45 and older only.  This data  helps inform how we shape our program and concentrate our energies, and strengthens our efforts with funders and donors.  Your input will help us build The Stonewall Bridge, a synergy of affordable senior housing and healthcare and intergenerational community development and equity building.  It takes about 10 minutes to complete.  Thank you for your time!
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My age is: *
From which group did you come to  this survey? *
My zip code is *
I  have already been thinking about where and how I’ll spend the last years of my life *
I have children *
I have a spouse
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I know my children or biological family will care for me *
I feel quite secure someone will be there to take care of me *
I  have concerns about how I will be cared for *
I hope friends will help me *
I expect I will help care for friends *
I already have specific, concrete plans about how I will live after age 75 *
I already know just the locale I expect to finish out my life *
I already live there and expect to stay *
I have talked about this generally with friends or family   *
I have talked concretely with specific identified friends about this *
I have already  put concrete steps in place *
I already know who and where, or I have already completed arrangements *
I hope to live alone in a place all to myself   *
I hope to live among friends *
I identify as *
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