Global Market | October 2024
Manawatu Multicultural Council and Global Parents Support are excited to introduce GLOBAL MARKET! 
We are excited to seize this opportunity as a way to further recognize and respect the different cultures, as well as to celebrate the cultural diversity in our community. In accordance with the idea of Global Market, we kindly ask that products be centered around cultural themes

We're excited to open our registrations, with the event details as follows:
Date: Saturday, 5 October 2024
Time: 1PM - 4PM
Venue: Te Manawa Museum

Due to limited spots, it will be first come first served.  
This form will ask for your details for registration purpose.

Please read the following requirements before you decide to fill in the form.
1. The main stallholder needs to be over 16 years old.
2. The registration fee is free this time.  Gold coins donation will be appreciated on the day.
3. The set up time: 12-12:45 PM and the pack up time: 4 - 4:30 PM
4. The stall will have a standard area of 2m x 2m.  Please host your stall within the area. 
5. Please bring your own table. We will not be providing tables.
6. Cooking on-site will not be permitted.
7. Food for meal, e.g. hot food and meat, is not permitted.
8. All dairy products to be sold needs to be refrigerated during market time. Please bring your own cooler/chilly bin.
9. Limited stalls will have power supply.  Please send a request if it is required.
10. If selling food, stallholders are responsible to tell their customers that food can only be consumed within the market area (Education Room, Upstairs Market Area) and is not to be taken into the Galleries.
11. You will receive an e-mail from us to confirm your registration.      


Best regards,
Global Market Team
From Global Parents Support and Manawatu Multicultural Council

Do you accept the terms above? *
Please bring your own table. *
Name *
Email *
Phone *
Living District *
What culture / country will your stall be representing?
What type of products will you be selling? *
Please briefly describe/specify your product(s) *
Will you be using any electrical equipment? Please note that stallholders are responsible for tagging and testing that the equipment(s) are safe to use before using on-site at the venue. *
Do you give consent to MMC to take pictures of you and your stall? Images may be used for promotional purposes. *
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