2021 Summer Children Sunday School
請用此表格為參加2021暑期兒童主日學的小朋友注冊。關於暑期主日學的更多安排,請參考 https://cgcm.org/2021/06/children_summer 。

This form is for taking the registration of 2021 Summer Children Sunday School (7/11~8/29). Please visit https://cgcm.org/2021/06/children_summer for details about the children Sunday school schedule.
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學生姓名(Student's full name) *
是否短期參與?(Is the student a temporary visitor?) *
如果是短期參與的學生,我們將不向家長發關於日後活動的通信郵件。(We won't send emails about future activities to temporary visiting students.)
年齡段(Age group) *
成人姓名(Adult's full name) *
家長聯係電話(Adult's phone number) *
如果主日學上課期間發生緊急事件,我們會通過電話聯係您。(We will contact you through your phone number in case of emergency during the class.)
家長聯係郵件(Adult's email) *
主日學上課時間外的通信,我們會通過郵件聯係您。(We will send class update/notification through email. )
有興趣做兒童事工的志願者嗎?(Interested to volunteer in children ministry) *
我們需要助教幫助我們營造安全、有效的主日學環境,歡迎您的參與。(We need volunteer to help us create a safe an effective teaching environment. We welcome your participation.)
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