CLMS Band Interest Form
Thank you for showing interest in the Clements Band Program! Please do not worry if you have little to no experience in playing an instrument or reading music, that's my job! Please take a few moments to fill out this form. Do not hesitate to reach out to me should you have concerns.


Phone: 7707842934 ext. 3326 (leave a voicemail if I do not pick up, I may be in class)
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Student Name (First, Last) *
Student Lunch Number  *
Current Elementary School *
Parent(s) Email *
Parent(s) Name(s) *
Phone  Number (Parent 1) *
Phone  Number (Parent 2)
There is a band parent/interest meeting night held in the band room on May 1st, 2024 at Clements 6:30-7:30pm
Do you have any questions immediate regarding band?
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