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Partnership, Media, Promo and Third Party Event Request Form
Are you or an organization you represent interested in partnering with Casting for Recovery?
Please complete the following form for consideration. Thank you!
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Name of organization/company:
Your answer
Contact person:
Your answer
Full mailing address:
Your answer
Phone number:
Your answer
Partnership Type
Media Request (Blog, Article, Website)
Product Promotion (Giveback, Cobranded)
Fundraising Event
Publication, promo or event dates:
Your answer
Name of promo/event:
Your answer
If this is an event, please provide event location:
Your answer
Brief description of the proposed partnership opportunity and how it will support CfR:
Your answer
If there are funds raised, please provide an estimated amount that will be donated to CfR:
Your answer
Type(s) of promotion to be used: (social media postings, posters, newsletter, radio, print, etc.)?
Your answer
Would you like the partnership/event posted on our website and social media channels?
Requesting CfR materials (mission statement, logos or images)?
Additional organizations or charities benefitting from this partnership/event? If so, please list them here:
Your answer
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