🇺🇦 Volunteer registration form - EnableMe Ukraine
“You can power people with visible & invisible disabilities to solve their challenges - Response to the crisis in Ukraine”

Dear volunteers,
Thank you for your interest in supporting EnableMe to bring an online solution with information, advice, referral and links to services for people with disabilities in the current situation of crisis in Ukraine.

In crisis situations, people with disabilities and chronic diseases receive limited information, legal assistance, medical assistance, food, cash, and psychosocial support.

The overall objective of the EnableMe online platform is to collaborate with local partners, protect and provide support to carers, the elderly and people with visible and invisible disabilities in Ukraine, by:
1. Giving access to information which will help them manage their health, psychosocial and wellbeing straight from their smartphones and computers. (Content)
2. Enabling users to find the appropriate (online and offline) support they need. (Directory)
3. Building a supportive community and peer-support network who will give moral and psychosocial support to the users at no charge and anonymously. (Community)
4. Providing users with online first aid access to expert advisors on a variety of health, psychosocial and disability-related issues so that they can manage their situation. (Directory & Community)

To be able to act at speed, our Swiss-based non-profit organization is seeking Ukrainian and Russian-speaking volunteers who can support us in various roles:

1. Translation of website
2. Content: Translation of content articles on different disability types (improvement of automated Google / Deepl translation) and contextualization of the information
3. Needs analysis: Support in the outreach to local disability organizations and relief agencies and analysis of the most dire needs
4. Community: Gather most relevant questions via telegram chats and on-the-ground links with organizations.
5. Community: Kick-starting the community by posting the identified relevant questions with answers
6. Experts: Build up the trade expert pool of volunteers who speak Ukrainian or Russian (e.g. with medical background) in Western Europe to answer challenging questions on the community

7. Partners: Help develop a list of organizations and service providers on the ground

To register, please fill in the survey to help us coordinate and we will contact you asap.

Thank you for your support!
(boryana.milova@enableme.org l WhatsApp / Telegram: +41 79 8457216)
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Name *
Email *
Phone number
Languages spoken *
Is there a specific role/s would you like to support the project with? *
Expected months available: For what period of time would you be ready to volunteer your time and talent? *
We are grateful for any amount of support you can volunteer for. Due to the onboarding and coordination time, we encourage a minimum support of 4h/week for at least a month. We are currently fundraising for the project. After a successful fundraising, we can explore employment options with longer term volunteers who have contributed to the launch of the project.
How much time would you be ready to set aside to support us? *
Please note that due to the technical time for onboarding and coordination, we encourage a minimum support of 4h/week for at least a month. We know that the situation changes quickly and a concrete commitment can be difficult to make. This is ok. This question aims to help us better coordinate the tasks and plan for now, so please give your best estimate for now.
From when (approx. date) would you have the capacity to help us out?
We aim to bring this project to life quickly, so that the offer can reach the ones in need swiftly. So we are welcoming help asap, especially with translation from English or German to Ukrainian / Russian.
Do you have any comments or open questions? List them here.
Thank you for your readiness to support our endeavour to bring the EnableMe partner-based online solution to Ukraine! We hope we can bring the service asap to the Ukraine and help the ones in need asap. Join the Telegram group for quick coordination directly from here: https://t.me/+CdQSKBljNrFmYzZk 
If you know further individuals fluent in Ukrainian and Russian, please forward them this form to come onboard.

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