Omnifête 2024 - Purveyor sign-up
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, 11am-2pm
This will be our 2nd biennial creativity fair, hosted for the first time in Old World Village in Huntington Beach, California where we hope to capitalize on Oktoberfest foot traffic. 

The even't's theme is A WITCH CRAFT FAIR with an emphasis on all things spooky.


  • July 31 - deadline for out-of-state vendor sign-ups. (Our staff will display items)
  • August 15 - deadline for local vendor sign-ups. (Artists will set up their own table)
  • August 31 - deadline for all approved vendors' bios for the printed map/program
  • September 3 - press releases distributed

Questions? Visit the Omnifête site or email

Email *
Your name *
City & State in which you reside *
How did you hear about our little fête? (If from a person, please give their name. Thanks!)
Description of the goods you intend to vend *
How many TYPES of items are you bringing/shipping? *
And how many of each item type do you intend to bring/ship? *
Will you be coming to run your table personally? Or will you be shipping your items? *
Will you have any free samples to pass out *
Each vendor is responsible for bringing and maintaining their own:
  • 6' Table per space. (You may have 2-3 adjacent spaces)
  • Table cover
  • Chair(s) ... for you and any helper you bring
  • Display items
  • Signage
  • Payment capabilities
  • Trash can if applicable
  • Wireless connection if needed
  • Tent or umbrellas if desired (to shade from sun)
Vendors may be grouped according to category depending on how many we get of each type of vendor. For example, we intend to have all of the author tables near each other, the fragrances (such as oils & candles) together, the food & beverage tables together, etc.

A limited number of "out-of-town" spots will be set up by Whimsi volunteers on behalf of vendors who have made arrangements in advance. Shipped items due September 1.

Vendors may arrive at 9am and must be set up by 10:45am. Vendors must remove all items associated with their table by 3pm, hopefully leaving the site better than they found it.

There are 2 free parking lots per the illustrated map shown. 

Sorry, electricity is not available.
Contact Joy & Merilou at with questions
COSTS. Our fees are right around $1000 for the event. We hope to get around 20 vendors, which would only cover half of the expense (including 2 security guards, permits, day business license, insurance etc.)

Realistically, what would you be able to contribute?
I would like to attend the VENDORS tea at 3pm at the graciously discounted price of $39.95
(Note: This is by invitation only)
Additional questions, comments
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