Diverge Rule Quiz (LONG)
Rule quiz you should be able to complete in under 15 minutes. Recommend you look at the rules and learn whichever questions you get wrong. This is to learn and correct your mistakes and misconceptions !
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0 points
How long must you wait between muggings?
1 point
What is RDM? *
1 point
Can you be server banned for breaking Fear RP? *
1 point
Can you kill someone, without any warning, for following you?
1 point
Lockpicking a vehicle is a PK
1 point
A Police Officer initiates a traffic stop and says he will be issuing you a speeding citation. Can you kill him for this?
1 point
Who here is under Fear RP? *
1 point
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You hire a new person as an associate into your faction, whitelisting them. After just a dozen minutes of working the bar he/she decides they don't enjoy being part of your organization and decide to leave. Can you PK them for this? *
1 point
Do Police have the right to ask for a firearms license if you open carry? *
1 point
Which spot is valid for a mugging?
1 point
Is this image considered valid Fear RP?
1 point
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Are you allowed to scam people?
1 point
Cops can arrest people for picking up their shipments
1 point
Can you mug this person?
1 point
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When can you disconnect during an arrest? (2 answers)
1 point
When can you shoot a cop? (Multiple answers)
1 point
You can kill someone for disrespecting you
1 point
Can you build silly little helicopters to fly around with? *
1 point
Am I able to move my items/cash to another one of my characters? *
1 point
Is this an active or passive threat? *
1 point
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Can you kill someone for witnessing you commit a crime?
1 point
What rule is being broken here? *
1 point
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Can you mug this person?
1 point
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How long do you have to hunt down your mugger to PK them?
1 point
Which requirements must be met for you to be able to defend someone (Multiple Answers)
1 point
How many Officers must be online for a PD Raid?
1 point
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You witness someone break the rules. What should you do?
1 point
How can you contest your charges or a wrongful arrest
1 point
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Select the rule breaks in the following scenarios (Multiple Answers) *
1 point
If I drown while running from the Police is that a PK? Even though I never shot them? *
1 point
You and four other Officers respond to a shootout and arrive to engage the suspect, you and another Officer is killed while the other two are pinned down. When are you able to return to that situation? *
1 point
Is this an active or passive threat? *
1 point
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Is this valid fear RP? *
1 point
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You are being mugged in the alley, behind you is a fence. Behind that fence is an NPC facing toward the street. Is this a fail mug? *
1 point
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When can you plant evidence on a person or property? *
1 point
When can you kidnap someone? *
1 point
You open fire on Police and are killed. You are now PK'ed.
1 point
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The Police can shoot unarmed people who run from them
1 point
Someone accidently crashes into you. Can you shoot them? *
1 point
I am wearing a body armour clothing item (Custom clothing item) Is this clothing in character? Can I be penalized for wearing it? *
1 point
Jumping to your death is an automatic PK? *
1 point
You have been arrested and placed in the PD holding cells, you message a lawyer over discord to meet you at PD in order to represent you. Is this metagame? *
1 point
You were arrested and crash, you immediately re-launch the game and reconnect. You reconnect to the server 7 minutes later. Is this LTARP? *
1 point
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