Finance (year long)This committee works with the FoWY funds in a variety of formats. Committee tasks include:
• Designing and implementing a payment request process to ensure all disbursements made by FoWY have gone through an adequate review and approval process, and contain necessary support documentation.
• Designing and implementing an appropriate record-keeping system to store all finance-related documents, such as check requests with support, banking information, revenue details, periodic financial statements, and regulatory filings.
• Drafting an annual financial budget, with revenue/fundraising goals and anticipated expenses and other contributions to Whitney Young High School.
• Making assessments about the need for other professional services, such hiring contractors to perform audit, tax, web design, and other functions, and making relevant recommendations to the Board.
• Performing periodic financial position review to ensure we are on target in terms of fundraising, grant payments, and special events related items.
• Ensuring that we have adequate cash on hand to meet our obligations to the school community.