Student Sit-In Demands 

1. Stanford issues an explicit condemnation of Israel’s crimes of Apartheid and Genocide, and calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

We call on Stanford to issue a statement:

(i) Acknowledging and condemning Israel’s ongoing war crimes in Gaza including collective punishment, disproportionate use of force, use of illegal weaponry such as white phosphorus, indiscriminate destruction of civilian life and infrastructure.

(ii) Calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

(iii) Calling for Israel and Egypt to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza exceeding the volume of aid shipments prior to October 7th.

(iv) Acknowledging and condemning Israel’s Apartheid regime, a crime against humanity.

(v) Calling on other universities and academic institutions to join Stanford in speaking out for justice.

2. Stanford provides dedicated resources for Palestinian and Palestinian Diaspora students on campus, developed in conversation with SJP, ASAS, and MSU.

In addition to the resources communicated to the Arab, Muslim, Jewish, and Israeli students via email on November 6, we call on Stanford to:

(i) Publicize the above referenced resources for the entire campus community, both via email and online.

(ii) Waive all costs for trauma-related mental health support services within Stanford channels and reimburse costs for support on war-based trauma external to the Stanford health system. 

(iii) Establish a simple opt-in system for provisional academic accommodations for students who face a catastrophic loss of life in their homes by war or natural disaster. The accommodation made must be for at least 5 academic days without required medical documentation.

(iv) Waive withdrawal deadlines for impacted students on the same conditions of item iii.

(v) Consistently release prompt community alerts for identity based violence on campus, including Islamophobic, anti-Arab, and antisemitic hate speech and harassment reported.

(vi) Develop a procedure to deploy these resources on an ongoing basis for other crises experienced by members of the Stanford community, such as natural disasters and wars.

(vii) Provide funding (in addition to the opportunity fund) for affected students to visit their family and friends and grieve properly.

3. Stanford identify and address ways in which the University’s research and teaching environments are biased against Palestinians, the Palestinian cause, and other Arab and affected students and issues.

We call on Stanford to:

 (i) Create an investigative committee to:

a) Investigate implicit and explicit pressure on researchers and lecturers dissuading pro-Palestinian research or promoting anti-Palestinian literature.

b) Investigate investment portfolios of the University, President, Provost, and Board of Trustees as related to the support of the Israeli government, Israeli military, and American weapons manufacturers directly involved.

c) Investigate biases in Stanford’s hiring processes against Palestinian and other Arab academics which have resulted in there being zero tenured Palestinian scholars at Stanford, and zero tenured Arab professors within the humanities.

(ii) Publish the findings of the investigative committee to increase transparency.

(iii) Highlight and invest in research projects with a high potential in alleviating humanitarian crises. This includes water purification technologies, sustainable and rapid construction models, emergency evacuation equipment, etc. 

(iv) Identify opportunities to invite Palestinian scholars to teach, research and create original works centering the Palestinian experience and struggle for freedom and self-determination. 

(v) Officially commit to diversifying tenured faculty with a specific consideration for Palestinian and Arab scholars within existing faculty as well as in the broader hiring process.

4. Stanford commits to the Palestinian movement to Boycott, Divest from and Sanction Israeli entities and companies complicit in Israeli war crimes, apartheid, and genocide.

This entails: 

(i) Immediately divesting from the consumer brands identified by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC).

(ii) Reviewing Stanford’s investment portfolio and subsequently divesting from all complicit firms identified.

(iii) Barring weapons manufacturers which supply Israel’s offensive from on-campus recruitment at Stanford and declining all donations from such companies.

(iv) Barring foreign militaries from advertising and recruiting on campus, whether directly or indirectly via other organizations.

While we recognize that Stanford administration does not have direct control over with whom researchers collaborate, we encourage Stanford faculty members to commit to an academic boycott of complicit Israeli universities, such as Tel Aviv University, which through its Institute for National Security Studies was the originator of the genocidal Dahiya Doctrine.

5. In addition to our original four demands, the events of the past month on campus require additional university response.

We call on Stanford to:

(i) Create 5 student seats on the Special Committee on Investment Responsibility, allowing for direct contribution and oversight.

We call on President Saller, Provost Martinez, and the Board of Trustees to: 

(ii) Commit to consistently meeting with sit-in participants, as well as representatives of the Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities on campus regarding our demands and Stanford’s complicity to Israel’s apartheid and genocide.

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