We are currently accepting applicants on to the waitlist as it seems we have nearly completed issuing computers for this grant round.  Some current participants may not complete the program and that would release their computer to the next applicant.  Also applying now will allow us to reach out to you once a new grant has been issued which we estimate is November.  

Welcome to the 2024-2025 San José ON project.

Free laptop (refurbished with a 6-month warranty) and Digital Skills and Internet Safety Training (online and on-demand - you set your schedule).    

The San Jose ON project is funded by the California Public Utilities Commission CASF grant and People-Centric Ventures LLC under Fiscal Agent Geeks Without Frontiers. 

Who Qualifies:
This program is for Santa Clara County low-income residents and/or those receiving public benefits.  Verification of identity, physical residence, and income or benefits is required. 
This is for households with incomes at or below the thresholds required to participate in the California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE), the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), the National School Lunch Program, or the Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC)...  

Low-income defined
06-01-2024 Gross Income
1-2:  $40,880 or less, 3: $51,640 or less, 4: $62,400 or less, 5: $73,160 or less, 6: $83,920 or less, 7: $94,680 or less, 8: $105,440 or less, 9: $116,200 or less, 10: $126,960 or less income guidelines table

2023 to 2024 05-31-2024
1-2  people: $39,440,  3 people: $49,720,  4 people:  $60,000,  5 people: $70,280,  6 people $80,560, 7 people $90,840, 8 People $101,120.  Each Additional Person $10,280

Steps to Apply:
  1. Complete this application (10 minutes to apply)

  2. At the end of this application, click on the link to make a 15-minute telephone appointment with a Digital Navigator.

  3. Your application will be reviewed with you at your telephone interview. If you qualify, you will be asked to submit your Government-issued ID/License and verify your physical address (where you reside) and benefits or income.

Please answer the following questions to help us assist you.  Your answers are confidential.
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I am interested.  Put me on the waitlist(s): *
How did you hear about this project?   *
Who is completing this form?  (Enter "Self" if  the applicant is completing this form, or the name of the person completing this form and their relationship to applicant): *
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