COAEYC State Committee Interest Form
Thank you for showing interest on joining one of COAEYC's state committees. Committees are a way to become involved in the COAEYC's work, develop new skills, and connect with the early childhood community in Colorado. You do not need to be a member of COAEYC or NAEYC to participate in a committee!

All committee meetings are virtual on Zoom and are on the fourth Monday of each month from 6:00-7:30. If you are interested in participating and will need interpretation please email 

Advocacy and Policy
The goal of this committee is to help COAEYC continue to be an active partner in the building of statewide systems and early childhood initiatives. Its goal is to be involved in advocacy initiatives and mobilize public will for social change, especially when it comes to teacher compensation and equitable access to early learning for ALL children. Past activities have included: making policy recommendations to the COAEYC Board of Directors, creating advocacy trainings for early childhood educators, meeting with legislators to advocate for early childhood, and sharing policy action items with members.

Workforce Supports and Professional Development 
The goal of this committee is to help advance the early childhood profession in Colorado through: 1) creating affordable, accessible, diverse, and relevant professional development opportunities, 2) recruiting and retaining passionate early childhood teachers who feel educated, prepared, and supported, 3) work towards ensuring that early childhood teachers are well-compensated for the important work that they do. This committee supports COAEYC's professional development programming through brainstorming, planning, and support with coordination. Past activities have included: developing professional development programs (the COAEYC book club was a Workforce Development Committee project!), finding facilitators, and reviewing applications for scholarships and PLC programs.

The goal of this committee is to develop funds for COAEYC and connections between our statewide membership and Colorado early childhood professionals. This committee seeks to facilitate opportunities to network, volunteer, provide feedback, and engage. This committee also plans, coordinates, and oversees fundraising efforts for COAEYC. The funds raised from these projects can help pay for things like professional development, conference registration scholarships, materials, membership activities, and other identified needs that may not be fully covered by membership dues or grant funding. 
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Name *
Email Address *
City *
What is your role in the early childhood profession? *
Which committee are you interested in joining or volunteering with? *
Are you a member of COAEYC? *
What are some projects or activities that would interest you?
Please share any skills that you would like to share with the committees, or skills you would like to practice and grow through committee work:
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