Virtue Award Nomination
Established by a gift from Ted ’82 and Dani Shaw Virtue ’82, the Virtue awards recognize faculty and staff who have “gone above and beyond their normal professional responsibilities to support and connect with students in ways that build a more engaged and inclusive Middlebury community.” The award honors long-term exceptional service to the community with deep and lasting impact.

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Email *
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
What is the Nominee’s full name? *
Nominee’s Title *
What is the Nominee’s Affiliation to Middlebury? *
Why do you think the person should be recognized by the Virtue Family Award? Has the nominee performed an exceptional service this year or gone above and beyond normal professional responsibilities over many years? If so, please describe, in 350 words or less, what the person did and why it mattered. *
Describe the qualities this person brings to his/her/their work. *
In what ways has the nominee made a significant contribution to students’ experience at Middlebury? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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