Exhibitor Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in supporting Mission Tomorrow, our region's interactive career exploration event for 8th grade students. Please take a few moments to complete the form below.

Please note there is a $350 exhibitor fee per booth this year (includes your lunch and basic electricity). For educational institutions, the fee will be waived.  If you have concerns about this fee, please do not let it prohibit you from exhibiting. Reach out to us and we'll be happy to discuss your situation and work something out.

For additional information, please visit www.MissionTomorrowRVA.com or email Stephanie.phillips@ChamberRVA.com
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Email *
Organization Name *
Contact Name *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone Number *
Organization Address *
What business sector(s) would your exhibit best fit into? (check all that apply)
If you know what type of interactive exhibit you would like to offer, please describe below. If you need assistance with ideas for an interactive exhibit please indicate this below and we will follow up with you.
In addition to needing exhibitors, we have a need for volunteers as well. This is to assist on the days of the event and managing students. Is anyone within your organization interested in serving in this capacity? *
Is your organization interested in being a Mission Tomorrow sponsor? *
If interested in being a Sponsor, please indicate the level(s) you are interested in below:
Organization Website/Social Media to be shared with schools and educators. *
Use this space to provide any additional information that we should know:
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