Farm Employee Quiz
Please read through the FSRA Policy For The Protection Of Children, Youth; And Adults With Developmental Disabilities, FSRA Bullying Policy and Prevention, and The Social Networking Policy for Employees.  Once you have read through the 3 attachments, take the online quiz.  You must get 80% of the questions correct or better to avoid an in-person orientation.  All quizzes must be completed before your first day of employment.
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Name of Staff Member

How many staff members are required for bathroom breaks?

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True or false, private one on one interactions between children and staff members are okay.

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Discussing personal matters in front of children at The Farm
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True or false, kissing and touching at The Farm pool with your significant other is acceptable.

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Who should you talk to when reporting an incident?

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What are two consequences that can happen if you violate The Farm's Bullying Code of Conduct Policy?

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What forms of bullying are not allowed at The Farm?

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According to The Farm’s Social Networking Policy for Employees, which of the following are not acceptable content to post on social media?

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True or false, taking pictures with minors at The Farm and posting them to your social media account is acceptable.

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True or false, your online presence on social media sites is your personal concern and does not affect your Farm employment.
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