Bristol BPD Collective - Annual Engagement Survey 
As part of our BPD/EUPD Awareness Month drive, we would love to hear from our peers, supporters and subscribers about how we can make the BBPDC and the BPD/EUPD & CPTSD Support Group the best it can be. This insight will be invaluable in helping shape the direction of our project, and how we deliver support in our community. 

We’re also looking to elevate to Charity, CIC or CIO status (we’re still researching the best fit!). The feedback we gather from this survey will be able to illustrate the value of this project, and support our applications to potential sponsors and funds. 

Your feedback is anonymous and all questions below are optional. 

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1. If you feel comfortable doing so, please select the following that you identify as having, through self-realisation/self-diagnosis, formal diagnosis or living with traits of:

2. Have you attended a BPD/EUPD & CPTSD peer support meeting?

Clear selection
3. If you answered 'Yes' in the previous question, how would you rate your experience with the peer support group? Then please proceed to question 5.
Very poor
Clear selection
4. If you answered 'No' to question 2, please let us know if there are any reasons why you have not attended the group (choose all that are relevant). Then proceed to question 11.
5. What do you enjoy about the BPD/EUPD & CPTSD peer support group?
6. What would you like to see more of in the BPD/EUPD & CPTSD peer support group?
7. What improvements would you suggest for the BPD/EUPD & CPTSD peer support group?
8. Have you experienced any benefits from attending the BPD/EUPD & CPTSD peer support group?
9. Do the BPD/EUPD & CPTSD peer support meetings feel like safe & inclusive spaces?
Very unsafe & discriminatory
Very safe & inclusive
Clear selection
10. Would you like to elaborate on your answer to question 9, and provide any suggestions of how we could improve equality, diversity and inclusivity within the group?
11. Are there any other days that you would attend the peer support group?
12. What would be your preferred times to attend a peer support group meeting?
13. Would you attend an online peer support group?
Clear selection
14. Have you visited the BBPDC website?
Clear selection
15. If 'Yes', how was your experience with the website?
Very poor
Clear selection
16. If 'No', are there any reasons why you have not visited the BBPDC website?
17. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the BBPDC website?
18. Is there anything else you would like to share with the BBPDC?
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