Ask me anything!
This is your opportunity to get your difficult family relationship questions answered for free! The questions collected on this form will be answered on The Coaching Your Family Relationships Podcast. You can remain completely anonymous if you like.  
Your name will not be read on the podcast. This is solely for me to follow up with you if I need any clarifying information to answer your question. 
I will only use this to contact you if I need further clarifying information to answer your question.
What question would you like me to answer? Be as detailed as possible. *
Give me as much background information as you can about the question you are asking. 
For example:
How long has this been an issue?
What other factors are coming into play here?
How do you feel about this situation?
What have you tried already to fix this situation?
If your question is more general, do you have a specific example of when this happened? Include that here. 
Would you be willing to be a guest on the podcast and be coached on your question? (If you do want to do this, you can remain anonymous) *
How did you hear about The Coaching Your Family Relationships Podcast? *
What else do you want me to know before I answer your question?
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