Jonquil Park Improvement Survey
A survey of neighbors about Jonquil Park usage and upgrade needs. Please complete all of the questions and hit the SUBMIT button at the end
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Name *
Email address *
Would you be interested in joining the WNA Parks Committee to get involved in issues related to Jonquil Park? *
How do you most use Jonquil Park? *
Review the proposed improvements listed below and indicate whether you agree disagree with the proposed statement *
The Jonquil Park field no longer has grass and has largely been replaced by dirt and some weeds.
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I would like more flowers/plants at Jonquil Park
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I use/read the Message board at Jonquil Park
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The Jonquil Park Signage needs updating
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Jonquil Park field has an issue with mud when it rains
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Jonquil Park field has an issue with dust/dirt
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I have safety concerns about bumps/holes in the field Jonquil Park
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I would like more community spaces in Jonquil Park
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Water puddles frequently appear in and around Jonquil Park
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The baseball field needs to be updated at Jonquil Park
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The baseball backstop and benches need to be updated at Jonquil Park
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I use Jonquil Park more than I did prior to COVID  
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I would feel safer in Jonquil Park if there were security enhancements
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Jonquil Park needs more lighting around the perimeter.
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Jonquil Park needs more trees around the perimeter.
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Jonquil Park could be more accessible for those with disabilities.
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The sidewalks around Jonquil Park are uneven, unsafe, or hazardous.
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I would like more benches at Jonquil Park
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There should be a separate space for dogs at Jonquil Park, beyond the Wiggly Field park that is nearby.
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Any other comments or concerns about Jonquil Park? Suggestions for improvements at Jonquil Park? 
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