Customer Survey
We at Blitz are always happy to hear from our customers. Please answer the following questions regarding your experience with Blitz Builders. 
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Email *
What is your name? (First and Last) *
Were you treated courteously and professionally when contacting Blitz Builders? *

Did you receive prompt responses from the staff throughout the course of your project?


Was the staff knowledgeable and helpful?

Were you kept adequately informed regarding the progress of your project? *
Was your property treated respectfully throughout the course of your project? *
Was your building completed in accordance with your contract? *
Would you recommend Blitz Builders to potential customers? *
May we give your name and number to potential customers as a reference? If yes, please provide contact info below. If no, simply answer, "No." *
How would you rate Blitz Builders on the following criteria:
Communication *
Scheduling *
Customer Service *
Building Appearance *
Based on your overall experience, how would you rate Blitz Builders? (with 10 being the highest) *
What you think matters! Please provide any additional feedback and/or comments you feel may help us improve. 
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