Cole County R-1 School District Classified Application

The School District considers applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability. If you have a disability or handicap which may require accommodation for you to participate in our application process (including filling out this form, interviewing or any other pre-employment procedure or requirement), please make us aware of any accommodation you feel is necessary. If you have any inquires, complaints or concern about any pre-employment procedure or requirement, including completing this application, or about the District policy of non-discrimination, you may contact the Superintendent at (573) 782-3534.

All applicants are expected to answer all questions on this application. Answer “none” or “not applicable” where necessary.

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First Name *
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Other names that may appear on your transcript(s) or official document(s). *
Social Security Number *
Current Address *
Home Phone Number *
Cell Phone Number *
Email *
Which position(s) are you interested in? (Check all that apply.) *
Classified positions within the school district may require lifting, carrying 50 lbs., bending, reaching, pushing, walking, twisting, crouching, and standing.  Is there any reason why you cannot perform these physical requirements?
Would you work: *
Date Available to Start *
Extra duty positions you may be interested in sponsoring or coaching? *
List the name, address, and phone number of someone who will always know your address.  Do not list spouse. *
Are you over the age of 17? *
Have you ever been employed by the Cole County R-I School District? *
If you held previous positions with the district, list your dates of employment. *
Have you ever been convicted or pled guilty to a felony? *
If you answered "yes" to the above questions, give dates and describe in full. *
Have you ever been substantiated as a perpetrator in any child abuse or neglect report made to the Division of Family Services in the state of Missouri or any other state?

Are you legally eligible for employment in the United States? *
List any skills you have that are related to your desired position. *
List certifications or licenses you hold, giving both the name and the expiration date.  Please mail a copy of certificates and licenses. *
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