Compassion Circle 
Peer-to-peer mentoring for AANHPI women.  The Compassion Circle cohort will run from Sept 30, 2024, to Aug 25, 2025, with one 75-minute meeting per month.  Sign Up ends 9/25 
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Street Address *
City, State Zip Code *
Place of Employment *
Position/Title *
Areas for Growth *
Topics of Interest (Minimum of  3) *
I am willing to lead a session. *
I am willing to co-lead a session *
Interested in a local gathering in my city if available? *
What do you seek to gain from Compassion Circle? *
I am willing to make the time commitment to meet for 90 minutes every other month Compassion Circle.     *
"About Me" Please provide a short bio 5 to 6 sentences. (This maybe sent to session speakers) 
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