「校園氣象站比賽」講解會報名表/Campus Weather Monitoring Competition Reservation form for Briefing Session


主辦單位/ Organizers:地球物理暨氣象局、澳門科學館/ Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau, Macao Science Center

資助單位/Funded by:澳門基金會/Macao Foundation

比賽內容/Competition content
Teams select on their own a weather related report topic, and use the weather instruments provided by the Organizers (which shall be assembled by the teams) to conduct continuous weather monitoring, then based on the obtained data, make analysis or comparison to present the characteristics of the weathering processes or scientific issues or principles related to the weather monitoring.

組別/ Categories:初中組及高中組/ Junior High School Category and Senior High School Category

講解會日期及時間: 2019年12月11日 (星期三)17:00-18:00
Date: 11/12/2019 Wednesday, 17:00-18:00

地點: 澳門科學館會議中心3及4號會議室
Location: Macao Science Center, Convention Center, Rooms 3 & 4

其他詳情請查看以下網址/For more information please refer:
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