Is Coaching with Dr. Lee Right for Me?
Are you interested in business coaching with Dr. Lee?  Fantastic! Please start here by completing this Admissions Survey to help Dr. Lee understand WHAT your challenges are and HOW she can be of service to your business goals.  This ensures that when you do speak with her, it is focused.

Don't just see this as an "Admissions Test" (no need to break out into a cold sweat!) but also as an opportunity for you to thoughtful reflect on your business needs.  This should give YOU clarity!

**IMPORTANT: Be sure to block off about 15-20 minutes to thoughtfully yet quickly complete this entire survey in one sitting so you don't lose any data.  If you answer quickly, going with your "first mind" you will do the best and not take too much time completing this.  

Have questions first?  Then schedule a quick chat with Dr. Lee first by going to this link:

Happy surveying!
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