Class Poll. MUS 14B, Spring 2023
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Name? *
Year? *
Main Instrument? *
Type None if you don't have one.
Do you read music? *
Which operating system(s) do you usually use?
Check all that apply.
What DAW applications do you use? *
What is your man DAW? How long have you been working with it? *
What hardware do you own? *
At home or in your dorm. Check all that apply
For each item checked above, indicate the brand and model number, if you can. (Type "None" if appropriate.)
Name three types of audio effects/processes *
What is Gain-Staging? *
Do you record your own MIDI/software instrument tracks/parts? *
Do you create your own MIDI loops? *
Di you record your own audio tracks/parts? *
Do you create your own audio loops? *
What would you like to learn in this course, i.e. what do you want to be able to do at the end of the semester? *
Right now, what kind of final project would you like to do for this course? *
"I have no idea" is a perfectly acceptable answer. Right now, that is :)
If you have some experience with DAWs, sequencing and production, what do you think an inexperienced person should learn first?
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