Brainstorming Topic Suggestion Form | The Startup Club
On 1st Sunday of each month, at 11am IST we conduct a brainstorming session on a problem faced by those in the startup ecosystem. The members of the community can join in and pitch their ideas and views and solutions. The goal is to have a constructive solution-oriented discussion involving the members of the community.

Please fill this form to suggest a problem statement that you would like to have discussed. The upcoming events on this can be found on our meetup page.
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Name *
Your name
Problem statement *
Please write a short but self-contained statement about what the discussion should be about. Anyone should be able to get the gist of the discussion from just this statement.
Context *
Why does this topic need to be discussed by the startup community?
Desired outcome *
What do you hope to see as the outcome of this discussion?
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