INFO ONLY (No Sales) Vendor Application
This application is STRICTLY for vendors who will only be sharing information, NOT sales.  The vendor booths for this group is discounted only if the organization is solely providing handouts and information materials at the event.  You are ONLY allowed ONE (1) "Card Table".  Tent space is reserved for vendors with food or product sales.
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Name of Organization *
Organization Representative *
Representative Phone Number *
Representative Email Address *
Which Event would you like to attend? *
Please check the box below to confirm you understand the rules and regulations to become a vendor of your desired event.
I/We release the Denton Black Chamber of Commerce (DBCC), and all sponsors and individuals involved in the 2021 Denton Blues Festival (DBF) from any liability, product or personal, for the duration of the event.  I/We have read the rules and agree to abide by them. I understand that failure to comply with the rules set forth by the DBCC and DBF Committee may result in termination of this contract without recourse by participant, and the DBCC and DBF Committee will not be liable by anyone for this action.  Vendors shall indemnify, defend and hold the DBCC and DBF Committee harmless against any and all claims for liability of any nature against the DDBCC, DBF Committee, their directors, members, and volunteers arising out of your acts.
Check the box to confirm you've read, AGREE, and understand what is written above. *
TODAY'S Date *
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