We no longer track features requests through this form. Instead, submit your requests here.
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What kind of feature are you requesting? *
If this is an integration request, please include a link the the product and any relevant API documentation.
Please describe the feature in 10 words or less. *
Please describe your feature in more detail. Be Thorough! *
Please share with us how would this feature benefit you? *
How will this feature benefit the larger Groundhogg community? *
Have you done the following? *
Next steps...
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!

Before you submit, we want to set the expectation that submitting a feature request does not mean that it will be implemented.

Depending on the type of request it may be a quick addition, or require hours of development time and significant financial resources.

We would like to thank you for your patience in advance. Hopefully we will be able to implement your feature soon!

Thank you!

- Adrian Tobey, CEO
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