CCS & Hattie's Strategies
What are Hattie's Strategies and why is CCS using them for student impact?
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Look at Hattie's list of factors related to student achievement. Anything above 0.40 is seen as having a better or stronger effect on student learning.  Which ones are you surprised are below 0.40?  (The pic below is only to show you what list you are looking for)  Link to the list: *
Captionless Image
Which ones are you not surprised are above 0.40? *
Watch the video here from Dr. John Hattie and answer the questions
In the video, Dr. Hattie says virtually any teacher can enhance learning? *
According to Dr. Hattie only those strategies in the color of ______________ give us permission to keep using them. (lowercase answer) *
0 points
According to Hattie, an average years growth in student effect size is the number 0._______ *
0 points
Click the level of learning that best categorizes students growth in learning. Use the following link if need be: *
0 points
Exposed to content, skills, and strategies
Learning is consolidated and applied to deeper concepts
Consolidated learning and skills applied to different scenarios
Watch the video and then answer the question that follows. It's a good idea to preview the question below.
Which of the 8 mindframes of Hattie were most important to you? Why? *
Cherokee Elementary teachers, For you, which category do these learning strategies fall under?  (On the page, you can click on the strategy to learn more about it!)
Used Before
I Want to Know More
I Need To Know A Lot More
Teacher Clarity
Direct Instruction
Leverage Prior Knowledge
Give Feedback
Rehearsal and Review
Problem Solving Teaching
Cooperative Learning Groups
Student Self-Efficacy
Phonic Instruction
Vocabulary Instruction
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Cherokee Middle School teachers, For you, which category do these learning strategies fall under? (On the page, you can click on the strategy to learn more about it!)
Used Before
I Want to Know More
I Need to Know A Lot More
Teacher Clarity
Planning and Prediction
Teacher Estimates of Achievement
Classroom Discussion
Response to Intervention
Teacher Student Relationships
Elaboration and Organization
Evaluation and Reflection
Clear selection
Cherokee High School teachers, For you, which category do these learning strategies fall under? (On the page, you can click on the strategy to learn more about it!)
Used Before
I Want to Know More
I Need to Know A Lot More
Teacher Clarity
Class Discussion
Direct Instruction
Study Skills Note Taking
Transfer Metacognitive Strategies
Leverage Prior Knowledge
Evaluation and Reflection
Rehearsal and Memorization
Clear selection
Check the Info Graphic Resources page, do you see any elements there that connect to or reaffirm some of the Hattie's Strategies you have seen today?  At the bottom of this link: *
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