Discontinuing the SafetyNet Attestation API - extension request form

The SafetyNet Attestation API will gradually be turned down after January 31, 2024. Learn more.

Developers who have not yet migrated to Play Integrity API or removed SafetyNet Attestation can complete this form to request an extension to the deprecation deadline so that their app can continue receiving responses from SafetyNet Attestation until the full turndown on January 31, 2025. 

Completing this form does not guarantee approval for an extension. If you're approved for an extension, the deprecationInformation field in your app's SafetyNet Attestation response will be updated within 48 hours with your updated extension status.

Note: If you are an SDK provider that calls SafetyNet Attestation API from your SDK, each app using your SDK will need to request an extension separately. It’s not possible to request an extension for an SDK and have it apply to every app using the SDK.

Prijava v Google, če želite shraniti napredek. Več o tem
E-poštni naslov *
Name of requesting organization/person *
Email address
Your name
Your title

Google Play developer account ID

Available on your Play Console Account details pageIf you do not distribute your app on Google Play, you can leave this blank
App package name(s)
Please complete the form once per package name. Only enter the package name in the form of com.something.app without any other punctuation, otherwise your extension request may fail.
Google Cloud project ID or number

Why are you requesting a SafetyNet Attestation migration extension?

Please describe any other aspects of your extension request
I confirm that, once approved for an extension, my app will receive working SafetyNet Attestation responses for an additional 12 months from January 2024 to January 2025. After January 2025, my app will receive an error when it calls the SafetyNet Attestation API.
By completing this document and clicking on the “Submit” button below, I also acknowledge that all information provided in this form will be subject to Google's Privacy Policy.
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