Excited to see you are interested in our training; it will be a very rewarding experience. Please fill out this form so we can get to know you a bit better, and we will follow up with you shortly.
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First Name *
Surname  *
Phone Number *
Alternate Phone Number
Email *
Where in Lagos are you applying from? *
Age *
What is your highest academic qualification? *
What is your current job status? *
How did you hear about the WAVE FUTURE LEADERS training? *
Where in Lagos are you applying from? *
Are you willing to go through our training for 3 weeks Mondays to Saturdays 9 am to 2 pm?
On a scale of 1-5, how interested are you in this Leadership training?
Only a bit interested - I would like to hear more
I am very interested, and will definitely participate
Why would you like to go through this training?
Are you able to commute to our training centre for the duration of 3 weeks? *
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