12 weeks of transformative group coaching to get you owning your personal power so you can become the catalyst for change without self-sabotage.

** If successful, I will send you a DM on instagram, so keep an eye out!! 💛
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Instagram handle *
What city and country are you located in? *
What do you most seek to gain by the end of this 12 week group coaching program? *
Be as specific as you can.
Why aren't you there already? What's the biggest thing stopping you? *
What makes you feel ready to change now? *
How committed are you to daily integration and action? *
Not at all
100% Committed
This coaching program is for the ambitious woman who knows she is meant for more, but finds herself stuck in a life that's unfulfilling. She is sick of feeling like a helpless bystander in her life and is ready to undo the chains, step into her power and start living in alignment with her inner truth. 🔥  *
How long have you been following Anja's work? *
What do you struggle with the most? (Tick all that apply) *
Do you have any questions about this coaching program? Or is there something else you'd like to share with me? (This is optional and can be left blank)
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