Pediatric and Rare Liver Diseases Membership Form
Please contact Royze Cachero at if you have any questions.
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Global Liver Institute’s Pediatric and Rare Liver Diseases Council brings together non-profit, for-profit, government, and patient representatives who are committed to addressing the challenges and impact of pediatric and rare liver diseases on individuals, communities, and organizations around the world.
Global Liver Institute’s Pediatric and Rare Liver Diseases Council’s purpose is to elevate the visibility and voice of the pediatric and rare liver diseases community; strengthen the organizational infrastructure of pediatric and rare liver diseases organizations; advance the policy agenda in pediatric and rare liver diseases; and identify common elements to accelerate research in pediatric and rare liver diseases.
Meeting Frequency
The full Pediatric and Rare Liver Diseases Council will convene semiannually. Regional committees will convene semiannually. Workgroups (e.g., patient support, public awareness, research, and policy) will convene as needed.
Membership Criteria
Organizations or individuals with a demonstrated expertise in clinical medicine, research, public health, health policy, minority health and health disparities, pediatrics, genetics, immunology,  rare diseases, or hepatology are eligible for membership.
Member Responsibilities
Pediatric and Rare Liver Diseases Council members will attend full Council meetings, regional meetings and workgroup meetings; assess and share pediatric and rare disease activities (previous, ongoing, or planned) with GLI; inventory communications, education, and other internal assets to determine where pediatric and rare liver diseases efforts are feasible for collaboration; explore opportunities in their external networks and partnerships to advance the objectives of the Pediatric and Rare Liver Diseases Council; and promote Pediatric and Rare Liver Diseases Council’s activities and events, particularly education and awareness.

Use of Name and Logo
The Pediatric and Rare Liver Diseases Council may develop presentations or other materials which include member names and logos. Members are requested to provide high resolution logos for use. Materials will be circulated prior to dissemination.
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