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Dealer Registration
Welcome to the Haswent dealer sign up page.
Please enter these quick questions and we’ll be in touch soon.
Please enter
email address below
, a copy of this form will be sent to this email address
Sign in to Google
to save your progress.
Learn more
* Indicates required question
Your email
What is your full name
Your answer
What is the name of your business
Your answer
Can you provide the trading address for your business
Your answer
What is your
business contact number
Your answer
Can you provide your
business email address
This is usually your sales email address for enquiries
Your answer
Do you have an existing website? If so provide the URL
We can match the page slugs on your existing website for additional SEO benefit, if you have a domain name but not a live website, please provide the domain name to use
Your answer
Can you provide the opening hours for your business
Your answer
Please enter a colour scheme for your website/business
e.g. Dark background with red highlighting to match the red in my logo
Your answer
If you would like to add a finance calculator to your website please choose the provider
You can only do so if you are FCA registered
Codeweavers (2 Months Free, then £50/month)
Haswent (£100 Set-up, no monthly cost - HP Only)
Evolution Funding
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