Chaminade's Math Science and Technology program has changed to include the field of Engineering. We are interested to find out how this program has affected your path of studies and career focus. Please answer the following questions as honestly and clear as possible.
First & Middle Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Graduating Year *
Were you ever part of the MST, STEM or STEAM program at Chaminade? *
What stream did you graduate from? *
Were you accepted into a University post-secondary program? *
Did you graduate or are currently enrolled in a post-secondary program that is MST/STEM/STEAM related? *
Did you enjoy the Chaminade MST/STEM/STEAM experience? *
Would you be interested in giving back to the Chaminade community? *
Are you interested in giving back to the Chaminade community? If so, in what capacity would you like to participate? (you can choose more than one)
What is your current Profession?
What is the best way to contact you?
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