How has your library made YOUR life better?
February is Love Your Library Month! In honor of this special occasion, we want to know how your library has made YOUR life better! From February 1-28, share your library story using the form below and you'll be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card!

Here are some ideas to get started:
  • What are some of your favorite library resources and services?
  • How does your library promote the value and joy of lifelong reading and learning?
  • Do you have a favorite library program?
  • How has the library made an impact on your life?
We may be in contact to learn more!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
What is your home library? *
Email address or phone number *
Tell us your story! *
I agree and understand that Northern Waters Library Network (NWLN) may use my submission to promote library services.
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