Front Row Stylist Application
Please make sure to fill out your application for Front Row Stylist. This application does not guarantee a spot in Front Row, and the KTI team may recommend one of our other programs as a better fit based on your answers.

Front Row is a 12-month elite mastermind designed to support established Stylists in building a 6-figure or multi-6 figure high-end, recognizable styling brand. Front Row Stylist is perfect if you have paying clients but need help creating a consistent high-level income, bringing in dream clients that respect your boundaries, building team to expand what is possible in your business,  and having more FUN through implementing systems and structures so you are no longer in constant reaction mode!

This application will determine if you move to the second round of our Front Row Application process, a call with Kate or a KTI Team Member.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Company Name (if valid)
Business Website *
Instagram Handle *
 I want to partner with KTI and gain full access to your coaching, mentoring, network, guidance and expertise as a Front Row Stylist in 2024. I understand that you will use this application to select the ideal group of like-minded entrepreneurs who are committed to wealth and well-being.
I understand in order to be qualified for the Front Row Stylist mastermind and have my application reviewed my business must be on track to generate a minimum of $100,000 in revenue per year, or multiple six-figures, in revenue with a healthy profit margin as a stylist making an impact! 
The pinnacle of the Front Row Stylist mastermind are 2 in-person stylist retreats. I understand that one event will be in the United States and the other will happen in Europe, and know that if I am unable to attend either event I will not be refunded or able to attend a future in-person event as a "make up". 
On a scale of 1-10 how much of a priority is building your styling business to your first or multiple 6 figures?
Not important at all
The only thing that matters
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Why is this a priority for you right now? What's going on in your life and business? (Please be as detailed and specific as possible) *
What's Your Target Monthly Income for 2024? *
What do you feel is your biggest obstacle to hitting your target monthly income? *
What's your current monthly profit from your styling business? *
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