Community Emergency Preparedness Survey
This survey should only take a couple of minutes. We appreciate any information you are willing to share.  All questions are optional.  You may answer anonymously, or not answer any question for any reason.  PLEASE, complete the survey even if you skip questions.  The detail you provide will give emergency planners valuable insight as to how our residents may react during an actual evacuation and how we can best assist YOU to prepare.    

(Google Sign In Is NOT Required)
Please indicate which of the following preparedness actions that you have taken.  (Please check all that apply)
How well prepared are you are for a disaster? (Earthquake, Wildfire)  
Completely Unprepared
Very Well Prepared
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The Community Warning System (CWS) is the primary means for county agencies to communicate in critical events.  All land lines are automatically enrolled.  What other type of notifications are you registered to receive? (check all that apply):
Do you the have CWS number ("925-655-0195") added to your cell phone as a VIP contact so that alerts will ring through when your phone is set to "Do Not Disturb"?  
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During an actual evacuation would you be willing/able to check on your neighbors before leaving in your vehicle?
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During an actual evacuation do you have any condition or situation which make you likely to NEED ADDITIONAL TIME OR ASSISTANCE before leaving in your vehicle?
Are you a member of an organized block or neighborhood?
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Are you interested in any of the following opportunities: (check all that apply)
Have you or another member of your household attended basic the CERT course? (20 hour program)
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Would you like to be added to your local Fire Agency & CERT email lists?  Your email address will not be shared and we will only contact you with information about emergency preparedness and resilience in your community.
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Do you have radio training or participate in a radio nets (GMRS, HAM) related to preparedness?
Cities in Contra Costa County, and other surrounding communities use a platform called Zonehaven for planning and efficient communication in the event of an actual evacuation.  Would you like to receive email with more information about your zone directly from  Zonehaven?  (To Opt In, you will also need to enter an email address below)
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Your email address:
Please enter your zip code (required) *
 Your street address:
(ex. 123 Main St)
Questions, comments, or suggestions?
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