3rd Annual Letters to Santa Kit
Thank you for purchasing a kit and participating in the 3nd Annual Writing Letters To Santa Kit Fundraiser! We appreciate your help to fund The Springdale High School Volleyball Team for their upcoming season.

After you fill out this order request, please pay for your order through Venmo. Please include your name in the Venmo comments so that we can make sure your order gets to the correct person. 
Venmo: @SdaleVBbooster

Order Delivery/Pick Up Details:
Orders taken from player/coach: kits will be given to the players/coaches to deliver starting December 16th.

Orders taken from social media/other: kits will be available for pickup at the Springdale High School Main Office starting December 16th.

Orders taken from an elementary school:  kits will be delivered to your child's school starting December 17th.

Orders taken from Springdale District Buildings: kits will be delivered starting December 17th.
***If you fill out an online form you will not need to fill out a paper form from the school.

For any further questions please email: kyndra.kinney@sdale.org
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Your First and Last name: *
How many kits would you like to purchase? *
I am ordering a kit through... *
If you chose business office or "other" for the question above, please explain how you are placing your order, so we can make sure your order gets delivered.
Child's names  (only if purchasing through elementary schools)
Child/children's Schools (only if purchasing through elementary schools)
Child/children's grade and teacher  (only if purchasing through elementary schools)
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