Band of Ballers Nomination
Hey there!

Thanks for clicking on this form. In essence, my vision for Band of Ballers is to give a platform for other Uniballers to both share their story and highlight what they've done post diagnosis to spread awareness about this disease.

Ideally, I'm looking for people to share their experience with TC and what came from it. A compelling format would be starting with their personal story/TC journey, why it inspired them to start raising TC awareness, what exactly their mission is all about, and why it's so important to discuss men's health. Ending with 1-2 quick ideas men can do to take charge of their health and openly discuss health would also be awesome.

Read all of the past features here:

Please fill out this information to the best of your ability.

Justin Birckbichler
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Their Name: *
Their Email: *
If unknown, just write N/A
Their Social Media Profiles: *
If unknown, just write N/A
Why would they make a good Band of Ballers feature? *
Your connection to them: *
Are you this person? Do you know this person personally? Do you just admire them from afar? All are welcome!
Your name: *
Your email: *
This is just if I need to contact you as a follow up.
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