East Oakland Collective: COVID-19 Response Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with The East Oakland Collective. We rely on the amazing support of our fellow community members to be able to make impact in deep East Oakland and beyond. In light of COVID-19, we had to adjust our normal food and supply distribution programs. We are currently resourcing food and supplies and using our office at 7800 MacArthur Blvd. as a resource and distribution hub. Health and safety concerns are a high priority and concern for our staff, members and the vulnerable communities we serve-- we are limiting the number of volunteers we engage.

Please complete this form and we will contact you as volunteer needs arise.

For questions, please email us info@eastoaklandcollective.com.  
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Below are our limited in-person volunteer opportunities. Please check your area(s) of interest.
Below are remote volunteer or support opportunities. Please check your area(s) of interest.
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