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Avant Garde Innovations™
Authorised Distribution/Dealership Form
Our Global Distribution Manager will contact you once this application is submitted. Please feel free to contact us for any support at +91-9995022766, +91-8401122766,
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* Indicates required question
Your answer
Place of Distribution/Dealership location sought?
Your answer
Business Name
Your answer
Office Address
Your answer
Office Phone
Your answer
Contact Person Name
Your answer
Mobile Number
Your answer
Your answer
What is your current area(s) of business?
Your answer
The history of your current business-
Your answer
Trade/Professional credentials
Your answer
Number of Employees
Your answer
Number of Years in Operation
Your answer
Cash Flow of your business/company
Your answer
Working Capital
Your answer
Experience (in years) in selling wind turbines (or other products) in market
Your answer
Anticipated monthly sales you can generate?
Your answer
Are you ready to complete the registration process for the Distribution/Dealership business immediately ?
Have you read the business plan?
What is your company’s technical expertise or knowledge of wind turbines, if any? (If belonging to other industry, elaborate on those engineering/operational expertise)
Your answer
What other brands of wind turbines are you currently selling, if any? (If belonging to other industry, elaborate on those products/services offered)
Your answer
Does your company offer wind turbine installation service, if any? (If belonging to other industry, elaborate on after sales service and existing business network)
Your answer
Please choose your preferred Business Model. (Please refer Page No.-6 of Business Plan for more info)
Exclusive Distribution Rights
Exclusive Dealership Rights
Non-Exclusive Distribution Rights
Non-Exclusive Dealership Rights
Any other relevant information
Your answer
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