Avant Garde Innovations™            
                                                              Authorised Distribution/Dealership Form

Our Global Distribution Manager will contact you once this application is submitted. Please feel free to contact us for any support at +91-9995022766, +91-8401122766, dealership@avantgarde.energy

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Country *
Place of Distribution/Dealership location sought? *
Business Name *
Office Address *
Office Phone *
Contact Person Name *
Mobile Number *
What is your current area(s) of business? *
The history of your current business- *
Trade/Professional credentials *
Number of Employees *
Number of Years in Operation *
Cash Flow of your business/company *
Working Capital *
Experience (in years) in selling wind turbines (or other products) in market *
Anticipated monthly sales you can generate? *
Are you ready to complete the registration process for the Distribution/Dealership business immediately ? *
Have you read the business plan? *
What is your company’s technical expertise or knowledge of wind turbines, if any? (If belonging to other industry, elaborate on those engineering/operational expertise) *
What other brands of wind turbines are you currently selling, if any? (If belonging to other industry, elaborate on those products/services offered) *
Does your company offer wind turbine installation service, if any? (If belonging to other industry, elaborate on after sales service and existing business network) *
Please choose your preferred Business Model.                    (Please refer Page No.-6 of Business Plan for more info) *
Any other relevant information
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