Ready to Sell Your Home / Seller Profile Form
It would be a privilege to help you in the upcoming sale of your home. Please take 5 minutes to tell us a bit more about your home, your family, and your goals. The form may seem lengthy, but the time you spend on it now will save us lots of time and effort once we begin working together.
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Name (First & Last) *
Who referred you to Story House Real Estate and Sasha Tripp? If there is not a specific person, then what made you choose to contact us about selling? *
Address of Property You Are Selling (Street Address, City, State, Zip) *
Best Mailing Address (Street Address, City, State, Zip) *
Preferred Email *
Preferred Phone Number *
Birthday (for surprises!)
How would someone describe your communication style?
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Spouse/Partner's Name (If Applicable)
Spouse/Partner's Preferred Email
Spouse/Partner's Preferred Phone Number
Spouse/Partner's Birthday
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