Planner Research - Jade Boyd Co.
I'm on a mission to design a planner to help creative entrepreneurs reach their business goals! To that end, this survey will ask questions about your business, goals, and planning habits.

This survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete.

At the end of the survey, you'll have the option to enter your name and email address. One participant will win a $25 coffee gift card!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Are you currently using a paper planner for your business or life? *
What planners have you used and LOVED in the past? What did you love about them? *
What planners have you used and NOT LOVED in the past? What did you NOT love about them? *
If you could only choose one of the following planner layouts to manage your business, which would you prefer? *
What types of things do you plan on a MONTHLY basis for your business? *
What types of things do you plan on a WEEKLY basis for your business? *
What types of things do you plan on a DAILY basis for your business? *
Which type of planner binding do you prefer? *
How many months would you prefer to have in your planner? *
How important is it for you to have extra space in your planner for writing notes? *
Which type of layout do you prefer for writing in your planner or journal? *
What color of paper do you prefer? *
Which type of planner do you prefer? *
Have you purchased and used PDF planner layouts in the past? *
First and Last Name (optional)
Email Address
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