WSAF 2024 Feedback
Thank you for attending Warwick Student Arts Festival 2024! We'd appreciate any feedback you can give us in order to gauge our impact and what we can improve for future years.

Please email for any additional feedback, or if you have any issues
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About You
This will help us understand who attended the event
When did you attend WSAF?
What's your age range?
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Are you a member of the University of Warwick?
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If you are a student, what do you study?
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How did you take part in the event?
Would you be interested in performing next year?
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How would you rate the whole festival?
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How easy was it to find out what's going on?
Very Difficult
Very Easy
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How likely would you be to recommend the festival to your friends?
Not at All
Very Likely
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Would you attend the festival again?
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How did you hear about us?
What was your best part about the event?
What could be improved?
Events and Shows
What event categories did you attend?
What was the favourite event you attended?
Do you have any feedback about specific events?
Final Details
If you think of anything else or have anything else to say, please email
Do you have any additional feedback?
Are you happy for us to use your text responses in our marketing and website, along with your first name?
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What's your first name?
Only if you answered Yes to the above question
Are you happy for us to contact you about your feedback?
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Would you like us to email you about future events? This will only be used for future WSAFs and will not be shared to anyone else
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What's your email?
Only if you answered Yes to one of the above questions
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