South Kingstown School Department                          SY 2024-2025 Non-Public Textbook Order Form

Residents of the Town of South Kingstown, whose children attend non-public schools (Kindergarten through Grade 12) may request the loan of textbooks in the subject area(s) of Math, Science, World Language, English/Language Arts, and History/Social Studies.  Only textbooks that are found on the RIDE State Approved Textbook List may be provided to students.
The South Kingstown School Department accepts textbook orders for non-public students each year within the dates and times posted to ensure that students have their textbooks for the start of the school year.  Orders for the 2024-2025 school year may be submitted from July 1, 2024, through July 31, 2024. Orders submitted past the deadline may not be received in time for the start of school.
Students requesting to borrow textbooks from the South Kingstown School Department must complete each applicable section below, making sure to provide the required information for each book requested (book title and ISBN No). We will accept electronic requests only.
All textbooks currently borrowed from the South Kingstown School Department​ must​ be returned before any new order for textbooks will be honored. Textbooks can be dropped off at The Hazard School Building, 153 School Street, Room 205, Wakefield, on Thursday, June 27, and Friday, June 28, 2024, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM.  Lost or damaged textbooks must be replaced or paid for, in full, before any new textbook request will be accepted.

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