Student Art Showcase Feedback
Ordway's Art Teacher, Mrs. Lishu Rodriguez, is applying for her National Board Certification. Mrs. Rodriguez has a great love of teaching art to children. She has supported children of all ages and skill sets to grow their skills and literacy in art, all the while also helping them become proud of themselves. Let us all help support Mrs. Rodriguez in her application to become a National Board Certified Teacher. Please take a few minutes to fill our this questionnaire. We will be sharing your responses, anonymously with the art teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez.

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To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
I felt moved or inspired by the exhibit(s)
I felt engaged in the experience
It made me want to know more about what I was seeing
It made me want to know more about my child(ren) are learning / doing in school
It felt relevant to my child’s education
It felt relevant to my child’s culture / social experiences
The length of the showcase was appropriate (neither too long, or too short).
I would attend a Student Art Showcase like this in the future.
I would be more likely to attend a Student Art Showcase if it was held on it's own night (held on a separate night from the Science & Maker’s Fair and the Book Fair).
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What did you like most about the Student Art Showcase?
What, if anything, did you dislike about the Student Art Showcase?
What would you like to see more of? Less of?
Was there anything about the Student Art Showcase that you think we could have done differently? What could we have improved?
Was there anything about the Mega Fair (Science & Maker's Fair, Student Art Showcase, and Book Fair - all in one night) that you think we could have done differently? What could we have improved?
Is there anything else you would like to share with Mrs. Rodriguez about the Student Art Showcase?
Is there anything else you would like to share with the PTO about the Student Art Showcase, the Book Fair, or the Science & Maker Fair?
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