Sarkopheros's Blog Ideas
I think it might be fun for both me and the readers if I created a regularly-updated blog written in-character. The entries would be short compared to my stories—maybe a few hundred words or so. I don't know yet. But it would mean I could update more regularly between the bigger stories!

I do not plan on making anyone's name public, but leaving your name is optional. I may make the voting ratio public.
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Living Huge
This blog would focus heavily on "hyper problems." The issues that crop up when you're absurdly hyper-hung in a non-hyper world. What happens if your nuts are like yoga balls? Can you reach around them to wash? How do you get around town? Is your cock so big you throw it over one shoulder? What do you do with it at a restaurant, or the movies? How do you cook? How do you get off?

The protagonist would most likely be a relatively well-adjusted nerd-next-door type. Think almost like an AU Brod that can't actually get laid. Nice guy, just fucking huge. I doubt there would be much in the way of penetrative sex in this blog, but that doesn't mean it won't be sexy. I'm not sure where it will go, but hyper problems will be the primary focus.
My 18-Inch Life
This is a lot like The Big Life in that it focuses on hyper problems, but it's meant to be a bit more "believable."

It won't be realistic, of course, but it will be more grounded in reality and easier on suspension of disbelief. It's easier to buy a guy with an 18-inch dick than an 18-foot dick. Think of it sort of like Game of Thrones vs. World of Warcraft. GoT is still ridiculous, but it is a lot more grounded in reality and "believable" than WoW. Another comparison is Jason Bourne vs. pre-Craig James Bond.

I love low-hyper sizes, but I don't end up writing them very often. This blog would focus on uber-big-dick problems. Fucking is a rarity, if it ever happens. He produces ludicrous amounts of jizz and has to get off several times a day. If his balls reach peak size, they get hypersensitive. Forty pussies a day like Brod? He's lucky if he gets four in a year. Personality would be similar to The Big Life. Nice enough dork-next-door. End size might end up differing from 18 inches.
The Cuntbuster
This is a departure from my usual characters. My protags are usually pretty nice. I don't generally write assholes.

The Cuntbuster does not follow that trend.

This blog would be about a skinny science-nerd boy that manages to somehow give himself hyper virility. Hyper cock, hyper cum, etc. He becomes (or at least completes his transformation) into a self-centered jackass bent on fucking as much as he can. He travels from town to town in his RV, fucking lots of random girls, posting pictures and videos of them online without permission. He knocks women up, skips town, gleefully stretches out pussies and cucks and taunts the other men.

This would not be realistic. He'd have absurd seductive powers and probably not get serious comeuppance.

Think of him like an asshole version of Chris.
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0: I would not read that ever.
1: I really doubt I'd read that.
2: That sounds okay.
3: That's a pretty fun idea!
4: Holy shit, why haven't you started already?
Living Huge
My 18-Inch Life
The Cuntbuster
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