Canyon Camp Staff Alumni GeoSurvey
This survey data will be utilized to create a map and dataset that displays the current geographic range of our Canyon Camp Staff Alumni. The final map(s) will be unveiled as part of the program for the 2021 85th Canyon Camp Alumni and Friends Reunion.

Please feel free to share this survey link with any friends or family that you know served on the Canyon Camp Staff! This would be VERY helpful to us as we try to have all of our Alumni fill this out!

Survey data collection will conclude on July 1st, 2021.

For any questions about this project or survey, please contact Seth Kannarr. (
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What is your First Name? *
What is your Last Name? *
What is your approximate Generation grouping by year of birth? *
How many Years did you serve on the Canyon Camp Staff? (Provide # answer please!) *
Which Decade(s) best fits with your years of service on the Canyon Camp Staff? *
Are you currently serving on the 2021 Canyon Camp Staff? *
Which Staff Positions did you serve as during your time with the Canyon Camp Staff? (Example: Handicraft CIT, Kitchen Aide, Nature Assistant, OWL Director, etc.) *
What BSA Unit were you part of when you joined the Canyon Camp Staff? (Example: Troop 206 or Crew 1936) *
Which NATION did you originally live in when you worked on the Canyon Camp Staff? (Example: United States) *
What STATE did you originally live in when you worked on the Canyon Camp Staff? (Example: Illinois) *
What COUNTY did you originally live in when you worked on the Canyon Camp Staff? (Example: Jo Daviess County) *
What CITY did you originally live in when you worked on the Canyon Camp Staff? (Example: Stockton) *
What is your current OCCUPATION? (Example: Middle School Teacher, Graduate Student, CEO, Manager at Menards, Retired, etc.) *
Which NATION do you currently live in now, as in your permanent address? (Example: Canada) *
Which STATE do you currently live in now, as in your permanent address? (Example: Ontario) *
Which COUNTY do you currently live in now, as in your permanent address? (Example: Durham County) *
Which CITY do you currently live in now, as in your permanent address? (Example: Toronto) *
Do you plan to attend the 2021 85th Canyon Camp Alumni and Friends Reunion ongoing from July 24-25th this summer? *
Have you visited our new Canyon Camp Staff Alumni and Friends webpage? ( *
Do you have any other information/thoughts/questions to share that may be relevant to this GeoSurvey project?
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